Balance Your Bite & Prevent A Wide Range Of Dental Problems with T-Scan Technology

You, Your Dentist & Your Bite – FAQs

While dentists do their best to understand the dynamics of your bite, without the right technology, they’re simply guessing at what’s really going on inside your mouth. Your bite is more important than you think; check out this list of FAQs to learn why and how you should ensure an accurate measurement of your bite with T-Scan.

What is occlusion and why does it matter to me?

In dentistry, occlusion refers to the position of the teeth when the jaws are closed, or the way your teeth come together when you bite. While you may not think about your bite during every day activities, when misaligned, it can cause you to experience tooth wear and tear, abnormal grinding, migraine-like headaches, clicking of jaw joints and symptoms of the neck and shoulder region.

How would a dentist measure my occlusion?

For years, dentists have used articulating paper to see how the teeth come together. With this method, you would bite down on a thin, non-adhesive paper strip covered in fluorescent ink or dye-containing wax. This ink/dye then marks the points on teeth where your teeth contact during biting and grinding. However, these marks rely on your dentist’s subjective interpretation. The only objective way for your dentist to measure your occlusion is with T-Scan™.

What is a T-Scan?

T-Scan is a tool that your dentist can use to accurately measure the force and timing of your bite, or occlusion. It’s the only existing technology that allows dentists to see the unseen (relative force and timing), or in other words, gain a precise understanding of what exactly is going on in your mouth when your teeth come together.

How does it work?

Your dentist will plug in the T-Scan handpiece to a computer and equip it with a sensor that fits the size of your mouth. Then your dentist will insert the sensor into your mouth and ask you to bite down a few times while recording the force and timing of your teeth coming together. Based on the software readings, your dentist will be able to see which teeth are hitting the hardest and if you have any occlusal imbalances that may negatively affect your overall health in the short- or long-term.

How much does it cost?

T-Scan cannot be charged to insurance. Dentists may charge a fee for the service, or include it as part of your treatment package. This price can vary, so ask your doctor.

Why don’t all dentists have T-Scans?

Honestly, we’re not sure. We believe every dentist should have a T-Scan in order to measure your occlusion with accuracy and confidence. If you know why your dentist doesn’t have one, we’d be incredibly interested in knowing why!